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Learning Amidst an Ongoing Battle

(AFP Photo). Retrieved  from:

     It is the most prominent battle and the greatest challenge in our time. It is an unseen enemy that presented us not only our vulnerabilities within our healthcare systems and governance, but also the way we handle such situation. It displayed the genuine essence of humanity in most people through cooperation and providing guidance and assitance to people who desperately need it, while others just revealed that they are not what they seemed and claimed to be. It has most taught us that our safety and well-being relies undeniably on our actions. 

(REUTERS/Eloisa Lopez). Retrieved from:
     The Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic is having a dramatic impact not only in our country but the whole globe. It is affecting societies and economies which will undoubtedly add to the existing problem, that is, the virus. Avoiding physical contact to people has a large contribution to lessening trasmissions, that's why, people are restrained in their homes refraining them from doing their usual tasks. In view to the fact that people must follow all health protocols mandated by the government, education is disrupted. It interfered with the normal flow of learning which in turn pushed the government to implement online learning. While we were able to resume classes in this new way, new problems are formed; Is it really effective? Do the students learn as much as it was before the crisis? To answer these questions, first, we need to know what quality education is; Quality Education is one that provides all learners with capabilities they require to become economically productive, develop sustainable livelihoods, and contribute to peaceful and democratic societies and enhance individual well-being. Referring to the given definition, it appears as though the new way of education is all in contrary to what quality education really is. Students' lack of motivation during these times affect their productivity. They tend to procrastinate a lot which in turn lead to laziness. Students are assigned to complete a multifold of works and activities in just a matter of weeks which is very tiring considering that there are no teachers to provide actual explanations and demonstrations. While fortunate and wealthy parents have the advantage to supply their children the requirements of online learning, this is not the case for those parents who are struggling to even furnish their family their primary needs. Students only comply just for the sake of passing and that is very alarming. 

(John Moore/Getty Images). Retrieved from:
     Education is crucial as it shaped the society we live in. The Philippines' educational system is neither outstanding nor poor, it's just that it lacks something, something that motivates every learner to move forward; And while these negative results of learning today is caused by the pandemic, students should take into account that education is indeed stressful, but when taken with patience, willingness, and optimism, there will come a time when we don't have to worry about these anymore. 

     United Nations Development Programme. COVID-19 Socio-economic Impact. Retrieved from:

     United Nations Development Programme. COVID-19 Humanity Needs Leadership and Solidarity to Defeat the Coronavirus. Retrieved from:

     Our Vision on Quality Education. VVOB's Definition of Quality Education. 
Retrieved from:'s%20Definition%20of%20Quality%20Education,and%20enhance%20individual%20well%2Dbeing.


  1. Life is a journey where battles and challenges are continuously encountered but serves as life lesson or morals, improves well-being and displays the true essence of existence. The article was informative, comprehensive, well-stated and has soundness. Possessing good values and positive insights can lead to success. The whole topic and work can be an instrument of meaningful and inspiring for readers. Kudos!

  2. I admire on how you summarize the scenario of the learning system this pandemic. Hoping that we will be able to have face to face classes next year. God bless!

  3. Your gray theme is nice. The picture you inserted is also nice. Your blog is truly beautiful!

  4. Your blog are simple and it is easy to read without distraction. I it's great that you did not forget to give credits to your sources. What a great job my friend. Nice, very commendable.

  5. I am amazed at this article. You cited the images just like how a real article would. Really good job

  6. Good day, Mr. Alconis! I like how simple but attractive your theme layout is. I also like how you properly cited the references. Keep it up!

  7. I love how the images you have included in your blog helped me easily understand and identify your point. The images you added did not cause confusion, but rather gave clarity. Proper citation is also very well observed in your blog. In terms of your theme design, it is very simple yet at the same time elegant. Great job!

  8. Wow! Great composition Roland! Your blog is well-structured, I am really impressed. Continue to inspire the youth and spread awareness. Keep up the good work, Stay safe and Godbless!

    1. The font size of your blog is just enough for the readers to easily read your content, and your theme is simple yet attractive at the same time. You cited and gave credits to the owner of those images you inserted properly, same goes with your references. Excellent work Roland! Keep going!

  9. Awesome! Your article is simple yet it is easy to understand and very meaningful. Besides your choice of theme is great and also the images you use is nice and very appropriate. Great work! God bless

  10. Hello Roland, I love how you included that the educational system in the Philippines needs improvement since it is lacking something. I completely agree that this pandemic has a negative impact around the world. Great Job!


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